Measuring responsible AI in 136 countries
Measuring responsible AI in 136 countries
Measuring responsible AI in 136 countries

Explore insights from different regions to understand local trends

Explore insights from different regions to understand local trends

Regional average score
per thematic area

The data points represent the average regional score for each thematic area


We welcome any feedback with regards to insights from the Index for the different regions. Feel free to reach out to girai[at]

We welcome any feedback with regards to insights from the Index for the different regions. Feel free to reach out to girai[at]


Global Index on Responsible AI Report 2024

Uniquely measured across human rights-based benchmarks, discover the evidence, trends, scoring and rankings of 136 countries globally.


Global Index on Responsible AI Report 2024

Uniquely measured across human rights-based benchmarks, discover the evidence, trends, scoring and rankings of 138 countries globally.